Highly trained and dedicated fire fighter/EMT’s ready to protect your community.

Our Mission
The Brandon Fire Department is dedicated to the protection of life and property by providing reliable, professional service of exceptional quality in fire prevention, firefighting and rescue, arson investigation and Emergency Medical Services.
This is based on a foundation of courage, excellence, discipline, compassion, integrity and teamwork.
We are committed to constant improvement through innovation and facilitating an ongoing public awareness program and education of the importance of fire safety and prevention.

629 Marquette Rd
Brandon, MS 39042
Brian Roberts, Fire Chief
Dial 911
For Emergencies
ISO Class 4
A “Mississippi Class Fire Rating” refers to a system used by the Mississippi State Rating Bureau (MSRB) to classify the fire protection capabilities of a municipality or legal district, with a rating scale from 1 (best) to 10 (worst), where a lower number indicates a better fire protection system, taking factors like fire department strength, water supply, and emergency communication into account;Â essentially, it signifies how well equipped a community is to combat fires based on their fire protection infrastructure.
About The Brandon Fire Department
Grants Ferry
6577 Grants Ferry Rd
Brandon, MS 39042
147 Kennedy Farm Pkwy
Brandon, MS 39042
Star Road
1058 Star Rd
Brandon, MS 39042
16 Woodgate Dr
Brandon, MS 39042
Administration/Command Staff
The Brandon Fire Department consists of Emergency Response Operations, Training and Education, and Fire prevention. The City’s Fire Chief is responsible for managing these resources, as well as providing overall leadership, strategic planning, and operational command of all fire department services.
A deputy fire chief serves as the City’s fire marshal and is tasked with coordinating all building plan reviews, fire inspections, and code enforcement activities. This position interacts with other City departments on a regular basis to ensure that fire protection needs are met and that all related ordinances are followed. The deputy fire chief is also responsible for conducting any necessary investigative functions to determine fire cause, point of origin, and the possibility of criminal intent.
The division chief serves as the City’s Training and Education officer. This position is responsible for pre-employment recruitment, training, records maintenance, managing promotional processes, and leading the department’s special operations. The most important function of the Training and Education Division is to prepare our members for emergency situations with the highest quality training, instruction, and professional development possible. This process is intended to establish a good foundation of knowledge, skills, and abilities with the ultimate goal of providing our citizens, visitors, and community with the best possible services as safely as possible.
An administrative assistant oversees budget and finance needs and maintains all departmental records. A vehicle fleet officer is also available to manage preventative maintenance and repairs for the department’s fleet of fire apparatus and emergency equipment.
Brian Roberts
Patrick Wofford
Jerry King
Carolyn Palmer
Justin Adcock
Bryhn Beck
Eric Stringer
Battalion Chief Stringer has dedicated over 17 years to the service of his community through the Brandon Fire Department. Starting his career in 2007, he quickly established himself as a reliable and skilled firefighter, rising through the ranks with determination and passion. Throughout his tenure, Stringer has held numerous positions, including Driver Operator, Lieutenant, and Captain, before earning the current role of Battalion Chief.
His diverse training and expertise have earned him certifications in critical areas such as NREMT, Dive Rescue, Swift Water Rescue, Overland Search / Rescue, Rope Rescue and Structural Collapse. These skills have proven invaluable in responding to a wide range of emergency situations. Chief Stringer is a member of the Mississippi Homeland Security Task Force II with deployments across the state. With a calm demeanor in the face of adversity and a deep commitment to his team, Battalion Chief Stringer leads with both knowledge and experience.
Stringer is a native of Richland, Mississippi. He and his wife are the proud parents of two sons, and together they continue to build a life centered around family and service.
In his current role, Battalion Chief Stringer is dedicated to ensuring the safety of his fellow firefighters and the citizens of Brandon, always striving for excellence in both emergency response and leadership.
Operations Division
- Fire suppression, specialized entry, and rescue
- Emergency medical services at both basic and advanced levels of care
- Hazardous materials incident management
- Technical rescue including vehicle extrication, high angle, confined space, and water-based incidents.
- Fire inspection, code enforcement, public fire safety education, and special event safety.
- Emergency management including emergency operations center (EOC) readiness, severe weather warning, and volunteer service coordination through our Citizens Emergency Response Team (Brandon Emergency Support Unit-BESU).
Training And Education Division
Fire And Life Safety – Public Education Program
The Division of Fire and Life Safety develop and delivers various fire prevention and safety education programs to reduce preventable injuries and loss of life among all age groups and demographics.
Public education programs are available through presentations, demonstrations, and other special events. These activities often include:
- Fire prevention and safety classes
- Fire department information
- School, daycare, and kindergarten visits
- Fire station operation
- Fire apparatus displays
- Fire evacuation drills
- Fire science in the classroom (help for teachers)
- Boy and Girl Scout advancement
- Block parties and neighborhood association events
- Fire Station Tours – Station tours offer a great way to learn about your fire department and the services we provide. Visitors can see where the fire fighters live, including their kitchen, dayroom, and sleeping quarters. While there, a person can explore the different types of fire apparatus.
If you or your organization is interested in scheduling a fire department presentation, contact the Brandon Fire Department at 601.824.4636.
Fire Extinguisher Training
Knowing how to properly use a portable fire extinguisher is an important part of community preparedness. The Brandon Fire Department offers fire extinguisher training classes to businesses, schools, and other community groups. Each event consists of a short classroom session, an outdoor demonstration, and an opportunity to practice with a small training fire. The fire department will provide all necessary equipment and there is no charge for this service; however, class size is limited to 20 participants per event.
To request a fire extinguisher training class, contact the Brandon Fire Department at 601.824.4636 to submit an event request form.
Public Education Programs
The Division of Fire and Life Safety develop and delivers various fire prevention and safety education programs to reduce preventable injuries and loss of live among all age groups and demographics.
Public education programs are available through presentations, demonstrations, and other special events. These activities often include:
- Fire prevention and safety classes
- First aid training
- Fire department information
- Disaster preparedness
- Careers in fire and emergency services
- School, daycare, and kindergarten visits
- Fire station operation
- Fire apparatus displays
- Fire evacuation drills
- Fire science in the classroom (help for teachers)
- Boy and Girl Scout advancement
- Block parties and neighborhood association events
- Media and interview requests
If you or your organization is interested in scheduling a fire department presentation or training event, contact the Brandon Fire Department at 601.824.4636.
Fire Station Tours
Station tours offer a great way to learn about your fire department and the services we provide. Visitors can see where the fire fighters live including their kitchen, dayroom, and sleeping quarters. While there, a person can explore the different types of fire apparatus and maybe even see an ambulance. When scheduled in advance, an age appropriate fire safety program can be presented during the tour. Fire station tours usually take about one hour to complete.
Scheduled station tours are available upon request between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and again between 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Due to the possibility of actual emergency calls, some tours may have to be postponed or concluded early. Contact the Brandon Fire Department at 601-824-4636 to schedule a fire station tour.
Fire Safety
Home Fire Safety Program
Business Fire Safety Program
By clicking on the following links below, business owners and managers can receive information about the department’s self-inspection program for low hazard occupancies. This cooperative program will help business owners quickly identify and correct potential fire hazards. Participants can be recognized by the fire department for their efforts to improve the safety of their customers and employees. The self-inspection process will help local businesses prepare for upcoming fire department inspections. Information is also available from the department on how businesses can prepare for disasters and improve their operational continuity.
Carolyn Palmer at for additional information about this beneficial program.
SOURCE: Springdale AR links as samples
Self Inspection Program Cover Letter
Self Inspection Worksheet
Fire Prevention Week
Fire Safety Tips
Smoke Detectors
Each year, more than 360,000 residential house fires occur nationwide. Many of these could have been prevented if the homeowner had taken time to identify and correct some very common fire hazards. While the majority of residential fires occur from cooking equipment, most residential fire deaths occur due to smoking or the improper use of smoking related materials such as lighters and matches. Timing also plays an important role as most deadly house fires occur at night when families are sleeping and unable to notice the danger. This is why working smoke detectors are a critical part of your home fire safety plan. The Brandon Fire Department wants you to be safe and know how to keep your family safe from fire. Brandon Fire Department will come to your home to check your fire detectors to make sure they are functioning correctly and assist with battery replacements for your non-wired smoke detectors. If you need to replace the smoke alarm (s), once you purchase them, we will be glad to come to install them. At this time, we are not providing smoke detectors. Smoke alarms should be placed at every level of your home. Another tip is to keep your bedroom doors shut at night. Test fire alarms monthly.
Fire Extinguishers
Have a Fire Escape Plan
Residential Burning of Small Limbs and Leaves
Brandon Fire Department will allow under certain conditions our residents to burn small piles of limbs and leaves. We ask that before any burning is done, you call our Central Station at 601-824-4636 before burning. If the weather is ok (mainly wind) then we ask our residents to:
- Have a garden hose at the burn site.
- No man-made materials such as lumber, trash, etc.
- If a complaint is made regarding someone burning, our department will go and ask the residents to extinguish the fire.
Commercial Burning or Large Piles
The Brandon Community Development Department is responsible for issuing burn permits for commercial sites for large piles.
Brandon Emergency Support Unit
Brandon Emergency Support Unit (BESU) is an all- volunteer, non-profit organization that is dedicated to ensuring firefighters are monitored and kept safe during emergency incidents in accordance with the National Firefighter Protection Association standard 1584 Guideline #2 for formal firefighter rehab.
The professional firefighters are monitored on-scene for cognizant response, blood pressure and hydration. Cooling methods are used to keep the fireman’s body temperature safe during the event.
Trained volunteer citizens support the career firefighting force and the community in accordance with the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program to:
- When activated by the Brandon Fire Department to an incident, BESU/CERT serves as a force multiplier, as trained, to assist with firefighter safety, fireman rehab, on-scene basic life support, and first responder support as required.
- Utilize CERT volunteers in non-emergency roles to supplement the fire/EMS departments in disaster or emergency incidents.
- Utilize CERT volunteers in non-emergency roles for community events such as stand-by First Aid and to provide pedestrian safety during parades and public gatherings within the city, disaster donations and relief, business and city events to support first responders,
- Train citizens in our community to promote fire prevention and general safety efforts for a safe community.
- The BESU weather team monitors severe weather at the city Emergency Operations Center with the latest state-of-the-art programs and equipment for monitoring weather status. Multiple radar and weather activities are monitored to keep the city authorities informed of severe weather status and alert the community when threats are identified.