Streets & Drainage
The Public Works Street Division is responsible for the maintenance of city streets, right-of-ways, ditches and drainage channels, street signage, traffic signals, grass cutting, weed control, mosquito spraying, and street light maintenance.
Street or drainage questions, concerns, or requests may be submitted to the Public Works Department through the Citizen Request portal, by phone at (601) 824-4579, or by email at
After Hours & Emergencies
For all after hours and Emergency Public Works issues, please call the main Public Works phone number at 601-824-4579. An on-call Public Works employee is available for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Public Works Department
1000 Municipal Drive
Brandon, MS 39042
Tel: 601-824-4579
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Citizen Request
Non-Emergency Public Works Related Issues
Asphalt & Pothole Maintenance
The Street Division oversees the repair and maintenance of asphalt deficiencies and potholes along city maintained streets. Asphalt and pothole repairs can take one week to one month minimum for repairs to be completed depending on the weather, time of year, asphalt availability, and other factors.
Traffic Maintenance
The Street Division is responsible for traffic regulatory maintenance to ensure safe and efficient use of public streets. Our crews maintain street name signs and traffic regulatory signs, such as stop signs and speed limit signs, among others. Road striping is also maintained in areas by the City of Brandon to convey guidance and regulation to traveling motorists.
The City of Brandon is also responsible for the maintenance of traffic signals throughout the city to promote proper traffic flow and prevent traffic delays. Traffic signal maintenance for the City of Brandon is contracted through companies that specialize in these services.
Street Light Maintenance
The City of Brandon reports street light outages to the local power companies. Street lights are maintained by the local power companies, not by the City of Brandon.
To report a street light outage, please contact the Public Works office, or you can report the outage directly to your power provider. Please have the exact location of the street light that needs repairs and details of the repairs needed when reporting an outage or issue.
1-800-968-8243 (1-800-9OUTAGE)
Website: Entergy Street Lights
Southern Pine Electric
Website: Report An Outage
Drainage – Ditches, Storm Drains, Drainage Channels
The Street Division is responsible for City maintained ditches, storm drains, and drainage channels. This includes repairing storm drain inlets and pipes, maintaining erosion along drainage channels, and clearing debris from ditches, inlets, and other drainage channels to ensure proper storm water flow.
To ensure that our stormwater drainage system stays clear and unobstructed, we encourage the general public to please not place any debris or unwarranted items in any ditch, storm drain inlet, or drainage channel. When a stormwater system becomes filled with debris and other unwarranted items, stormwater does not have a place to travel except outside the drainage system. This can cause flooding. Please report any clogged ditch, storm drain inlet, drainage channel to the Public Works office as soon as possible.
REMEMBER – only stormwater down the drain!!!
See additional information regarding stormwater maintenance on our STORMWATER page.
Grass Cutting & Weed Control
The Street Division is responsible for the cutting and spraying of City maintained right-of-ways and ditches. City crews bushhog and weedeat some ROW areas, while other ROW areas are maintained by contractors. Spraying of ROW areas and ditches is also handled by city crews and contractors.
Mosquito Abatement
The City of Brandon’s Mosquito Abatement Program is maintained by the Street Division and consists of mosquito control activities in the months of May through October.
The City of Brandon sprays within the city limits for mosquitos at least once per week during the warmer months. The mosquito spraying truck is ran by a city crew during the late hours of the day, generally 7:00pm or later. Mosquito spraying cannot be performed during windy or rainy weather.
The City of Brandon can only spray for mosquitos along city maintained streets. We cannot bring the mosquito spraying truck onto private property or up driveways.
The City of Brandon also provides mosquito tablets to residents upon request. Mosquito tablets are used to kill mosquito larvae in standing water.
Homeowners can take extra precautions during mosquito season by performing the following:
- Eliminate any standing water.
- Get rid of old tires, buckets, tin cans, drums, bottles, or any other containers that may hold water. If any are kept, they should be kept upside down so they cannot collect water.
- Fill in or level any low places (ruts or puddles) in your yard.
- Keep drains, ditches, and culverts clean of debris to allow proper water flow.
- Cover trash containers to keep out rain water.
- Empty or cover plastic wading pools and swimming pools when not in use.
- Change the water in bird baths, flower pots, or drip trays often.
- Keep grass cut and shrubbery trimmed back to prevent adult mosquitos from hiding.
- Wear long sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors particularly at dawn and dusk.
- Use mosquito repellent when outdoors.
Many places around your home can cause mosquito problems.
Some responsibilities that property owners can take on to help prevent any potential breeding sites for mosquitoes are:
(Yard and Home Checklist)
- Eliminate any standing water on your property
- Get rid of old tires, tin cans, buckets, drums, bottles, or any water holding containers. If any are kept, they should be turned upside down so they do not accumulate water.
- Fill in or drain any low places (puddles, ruts) in yard.
- Keep drains, ditches and culverts clean of weeds and trash so water will drain properly.
- Cover trash containers to keep out rain water.
- Empty or cover plastic wading pools and swimming pools when not in use.
- Make sure your backyard pool is properly cared for while on vacation.
- Change the water in bird baths and plant pots or drip trays often.
- Keep grass cut short and shrubbery well trimmed around the house so adult mosquitoes will not hide there.
- Wear long pants and long sleeved shirts when outdoors particularly at dawn & dusk.
- Use mosquito repellent when outdoors.