Some of our Most Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get emergency help?
Call 911. Our dispatchers are available 24/7 for police, fire, and medical emergencies.
How do I get assistance when it is not an emergency?
Call our non-emergency line at 601-825-7225. Dispatchers are available 24/7 to assist you.
I locked my keys in my car, or my car battery is dead. Can the police help me?
How do I get a copy of a police report / incident report?
If you filed the report, you may visit Court Services in person for a complimentary copy of your own police report. To combat identity theft, personal identity information and other sensitive information will be redacted from the printed copy. We generally do not provide reports electronically. If you did not file the report, you can file a public records request through the City Clerk here.
How do I get a copy of an accident report?
You can purchase a copy of your accident report online here or contact Court Services at 601-825-7227.
How do I pay a ticket or other court fine?
You can pay some fines online here. Other fines may require you to appear in court first, or to make payments in person. Contact Court Services if you have any questions about your fine or payment options.
Who can I call to find out if I have unpaid fines or if there is a warrant for my arrest?
How do I file a public records request?
You can file a public records request through the City Clerk’s office here.
To speed up our research, please be specific and include dates, times, locations, and names, when listing the records you are requesting. If responsive records are found, any applicable research or reproduction fees must first be paid to the City Clerk’s office.
How do I file a police incident report? What if I need to add something to a report?
We have officers on duty 24/7 who can take your report. You can file a report by coming to the front lobby of the police department. To have an officer sent to your location, call dispatch at 601-825-7225.
To help us serve you more efficiently, please have all relevant information and copies of any supporting documentation ready before filing a report, if possible. If you obtain additional information for your report later, you can request any officer on duty to add a supplemental report to your existing case; you do not have to wait for the officer who took your original report to be on duty.
How do I file a police report by phone or online?
How do I find out the status on a case?
If you filed the report, please contact the supervisor on duty with your question. If you know your case was assigned to a detective, please contact that detective directly by calling 601-825-7225. Depending on the circumstances, if you are not the person who filed the report, we are generally not able to discuss someone else’s case with you. You may file a public records request by contacting the City Clerk here.
Can I get a protection order from the police department?
Our Municipal Court Judge has jurisdiction to issue domestic abuse protection orders for Brandon residents and incidents that occurred within our city limits. Domestic abuse protection order petitions can be filed at no cost and without an attorney. Questions related to domestic abuse protection orders should be discussed with our court services in-person or by phone at 601-825-7227.
Can I come to the police department to meet someone to buy/sell off the internet?
I need to be fingerprinted for employment or other background check, can the police do this for me?
The Brandon Police Department does not offer fingerprinting services to the public.
Please visit the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department or call them at 601-825-1480.
Do Brandon police officers use cameras to record while on duty?
Yes. Many of our patrol vehicles have dash mounted cameras which may be recording activity. Officers making traffic stops and responding to calls for service will be recording the interaction using their body worn cameras.
I was in a car accident, can the police department pull up the video from their traffic cameras?
No. The Brandon Police Department does not own or have access to any cameras that record video footage of vehicle traffic. MDOT has camera systems in many locations that are livestream-only. Those livestream video feeds can be found on the MDOT website here.
How do I file a compliment or complaint on a police department employee?
You can file a verbal compliment or complaint on one of our employees, civilian or sworn, by calling dispatch at 601-825-7225 and asking to speak to a supervisor. You may also come to the police department and ask to meet with a supervisor to make a verbal compliment or complaint. If you wish to submit a formal written compliment or complaint, a paper form will be provided to you. You may fill out the form at that time, or take the form with you to complete and bring back later. You may also print out a Compliment/Complaint form and deliver it to the front window in our lobby during regular business hours, or 24/7 to a supervisor on duty. Please be specific about dates, times, locations, witness contact information, and the names or badge numbers of any employees involved, if they are known. For complaints, please provide your name and contact information in case the supervisor or investigator handling your complaint needs any additional information from you.
I want to make an anonymous tip, how does that work?
You can call 601-825-7225 and ask to speak with a supervisor. Anonymous tips about criminal activity or wanted persons can also be submitted through CrimeStoppers of Central Mississippi here by using the P-3 app.
How do I get a police officer to speak at my event?
Requests for officers to attend or speak at public events will be considered on a case-by-case basis as time and staffing allows. In order to best serve your needs, you can contact dispatch at 601-825-7225 and ask to leave a message; we will have the appropriate supervisor call you back to discuss details.
How do I find out if someone is in jail?
Jail booking information is generally a matter of public record and can be obtained directly from the Rankin County Jail at 601-825-1481.
My friend or relative is overdue coming home. How can I find out if they were involved in a traffic accident?
You can call dispatch at 601-825-7225.
In some cases, the identities of people involved in a crash may not be immediately available due to emergency medical transport or an ongoing investigation. You may also wish to contact local hospital emergency rooms or the Rankin County Jail at 601-825-1481 to make further inquiries.
My friend or loved one is missing. How long do I have to wait to file a report?
My family and I are going on vacation. Can the police keep an eye on my home while we are away?
Yes, you can call dispatch at 601-825-7225, explain your situation, and request that they place your home or business on our extra patrol list. Please be prepared to give a date range, provide keyholder contact information, and a description of any people or vehicles that are permitted to be on the property while you are away. Our officers will include your location more frequently in their regular patrol activity for increased visibility as time and call volume allows.
We have a problem with speeders and other traffic issues in my neighborhood. How can I get the police to do something about it?
You can call dispatch at 601-825-7225 and ask to leave a message about traffic concerns. We may use a variety of methods to address your concerns as time allows, to include stationary radar equipment and increased patrol for enforcement of speed limits and traffic control devices.
How do I report a reckless and/or drunk driver?
You can call dispatch at 601-825-7225 to report reckless driving and possible impaired drivers. Please be prepared to describe the vehicle, current location, speed, and direction of travel. If possible, stay on the line and update the dispatcher with the vehicle’s location until an officer arrives in the area. In most situations, a police officer cannot stop a vehicle unless they personally witness a violation. Tell the dispatcher if you are willing to sign charges against the driver for the traffic violations you observed. If an officer does stop the vehicle, for your safety do not approach while the officer is conducting the traffic stop.
Why do the dispatchers ask so many questions when I call?
o Dispatchers are trained to obtain vital information such as the nature of the call and specific location first, then continue to gather additional information once our units are enroute. These questions are designed to get details that responding officers or medical personnel will need. In high stress situations, our dispatchers understand that callers may need multiple prompts to provide this important information. The name and phone number of the caller is requested in case the call is disconnected.
I saw police activity, how do I find out what was going on?
You may call dispatch at 601-825-7225. Depending on the circumstances, they may be able to tell you generally the type of incident that occurred. In cases involving an ongoing investigation or medical/mental health incidents, this information may not be publicly available. You can file a public records request through the City Clerk’s office here.
Why do I hear the outdoor emergency sirens going off?
Outdoor emergency sirens are usually activated for severe weather emergencies on the direction of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, or Rankin County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Monthly testing usually occurs on the 1st of each month at noon. Keep in mind that outdoor sirens are primarily meant to alert citizens who are outdoors when dangerous weather is approaching our area. Please have additional methods to alert you to severe weather warnings using radio, TV, or mobile phone apps, especially when you are indoors. For any non-weather related activations of the emergency sirens, please tune in to your preferred news channel for further information.
We are expecting bad weather, who can tell me what danger this poses to my area?
During severe weather, our dispatchers and officers are typically occupied with calls and likely cannot respond to individual requests for weather updates. Please consult your local news media by radio, TV, website, or mobile phone app for this information. Keep in mind that the Rankin County Safe Room located at 651 Marquette Road in Brandon will automatically be opened as a storm shelter any time a tornado watch or warning is issued for our area.
How do I report unsightly property conditions or other code violations?
You can contact City of Brandon Code Enforcement at 601-825-5021. Additional information about Code Enforcement can be found here.
How do I report potholes or street lights out?
You can contact Public Works at 601-825-5021.
I see some trash on public property, who do I call to remove it
You can report debris on roadways and other public property to dispatch at 601-825-7225. A work crew will be sent to address the issue as soon as possible.
A car keeps parking on the street in my neighborhood, can the police tow it?
Municipal ordinance violations for overnight street parking in platted subdivisions, and street parking that impedes public roadways, can be enforced by the police. Call dispatch at 601-825-7225 to have an officer sent to the location.
My neighbor has a car parked in their yard, can the police make them move or tow them?
If vehicles are not parked on the public street, this issue falls under Code Enforcement. Please contact them directly to make a complaint.
Someone has left a vehicle on my property and I want it moved. Can the police make them move it or tow it?
No. Vehicles located on private property can only be towed away by the property owner, at the vehicle owner’s expense. Contact a local wrecker service for assistance. If the owner returns for their vehicle, the property owner should inform them of the name and number of the wrecker service.
My belongings are located on someone else’s property, can the police escort me while I go get them back?
No. Municipal police officers cannot interfere in civil property matters. You can contact the Rankin County Justice Court at 601-824-2665 for assistance.
Can the police help evict someone from my property?
Municipal police officers cannot interfere with the civil matter of eviction of someone who resides on your property. You can contact the Rankin County Justice Court at 601-824-2665 for assistance.