Sign-Up To Receive Alerts and Notifications from The City of Brandon
City of Brandon Alert System
How It Works
Option 1
Emergency Only Alerts
Text your Zip Code to 38276
This option signs you up to receive “Emergency Only” alerts via text messaging.OR
Option 2
Personalize Your AlertS
Scan the QR Code (Left) or Visit:
This option allows you to choose your personalized Alert Notification options.
- Brandon Amphitheater Updates – Concert announcements, ticketing specials, day of show weather alerts
- City Events – Community events, farmers market updates, parade and festival information
- Emergency Alerts – Weather, disaster, active violence, Police Department and Fire Department alerts
- General Notifications – City Clerk Announcements, work session and board meeting notices
- Parks & Recreations – Park closures, field closures, league announcements, registration alerts
- Senior Center – Activity notices, emergency or weather related closures
- Traffic Alerts – City of Brandon (only) traffic alerts and road closures
- Water Department Alerts – Outages, boil water, and boil water lifted alerts
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CivicReady Press Release: